Sunday, September 9, 2012

Giving Back

This past summer, I was an AmeriCorps member through the Volunteer Center of Story County (VCSC) as a Summer Garden Associate.  That's a fancy title for someone who got to work at community gardens around Ames.  I got the pleasure of working at 3 different gardens; two were elementary school gardens and one was a community garden.  The latter was called the Service Patch and it's special because it's a small plot of land donated by the Trinity Christian Reformed Church to the VCSC to be able to start up a garden that would donate its produce to local food pantries.  The volunteers that worked at the garden come from various backgrounds such as Youth and Shelter Services and AgCulture, a Youth Food and Farm Group.

How is this related to Woman Scorned?  Well this past Friday, some Scorned ladies got to experience the garden themselves!  We learned a few things about cooking certain produce as well as get a chance to give back to the great community of Ames, Iowa.  And it makes it look like we have a life outside of Ultimate Frisbee :)


Harvesting some kale.

Harvesting some Dragon Tongue beans.

Tomatoes (and a butt).

Even got some ISUC help.

Lots of kale to harvest.

Edamame bean harvest.


There's always weeds to weed.

Even special weeding tools exist.

Some of our harvest - beans, okra, cucumber, edamame.

Weighing the produce before donating it.
