Wednesday, April 28, 2010

End of the Year BBQ

Woman Scorned and ISUC will be having their end of the year BBQ this weekend at Brookside Park in Ames. Come at 3 PM and enjoy the festivities. The much anticipated ISUC rookies vs. Women game will be taking place on the east side of the creek. There has been A LOT of smack talked about this game, and this might just be the year that Butcher doesn't win "ugliest rookie" award. On that note, we will have the vote for the following awards, so be sure to come with an idea in mind!

Best legs
MVP- most valuable partier
Most Responsible
Best Fantasy player
Biggest Flirt
Ugliest rookie (for the men)

See you all Saturday!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Lauren Theile is not only the smartest logistical human being alive, but she can also read minds. She is constantly interpreting us and explaining things in a way that is not only threatening, but also very clear and concise. She is the mastermind of Woman Scorned, and what is even more impressive is that many of us don't even know it.

To tell you a little more about Lauren, you should know how she came to get her nick name. For many years she played for Scorned and watched longingly as her teammates all acquired great nicknames. For 3 long years she wished for a nickname and even tried to start one for herself, but nothing caught on. Then one day her junior year, long after she had given up hope for a nickname or a field cheer, “L-Dawg” randomly caught on. It spread like wildfire, but still she had no field cheer. In an email thread this year, there was talk of new field cheers. Jazzy-fay threw a joke out that Lauren’s could be “I will kill you,” and Lauren replied in an email thread saying, "Stop trying to give me field cheers! It will never work, I have given up, you should too!" It also said something like "get me gas receipts from Mardi Gras or I will kill you!" Soooo, at the next tourney, which was Philly, we made it our personal goal to get Laurens new cheer to stick-and stick it did!

On the field, Lauren is a silent threat who isn’t really that silent. She enjoys telling us she cannot handle but her field vision and throws are ridiculously consistent and accurate. As a cutter, her hands rarely falter, but when they do it makes for a great scene in a ritual where L-Dawg stands over the disc and curses it. On defense, she is all about shut down D. While her layouts are rare and may involve a lot more knee than most, it is because she gets the job done and takes her opponent’s threat away. If the disc does go up, watch out. Not only is Lauren great on the field, but she is also great at recognizing situations and explaining to us how we can fix it. I am pretty sure that this is due to all of the wine nights we spent strategizing about ultimate in the house last year.

L-Diggity is one of the hardest workers on our team. Although we all put the time in and work to improve, Lauren might take the cake. Outside of the logistical money chaos that she deals with, she has undertaken weekly workouts as well. Not only does she make up the treacherous sprint workouts, she runs them multiple times per week. While we struggle to get ourselves to sprints once in a week, Lauren is running them 2-3 times on top of lifting, practice, and pickup (not to mention work and school). In fact, one week no one showed up for the Wednesday time and I found her running them by herself (for the second time) before playing pickup for 2 hours. SHE’S A FREAK!

Off the field, Lauren is straight up awesome. I am not saying this because she is my roommate; she is really the bee's knees. She has managed to get herself into a great position-dating one captain of ISUC (Keiser) and engaged to be married to the other (Kyle). Lauren is going to school for something involving money and she works in a job that is very much comparable to Chandler’s off of FRIENDS-it’s boring and every time she explains it I regret asking. She has been known to start parties as well as end them, and she doesn’t believe in drinking wine out of a glass. She is the Spidey to my Venom, the Bun Bun to my Archie. There are no less than 1 million great memories that I have made with Lauren, and Woman Scorned has truly benefited from her dedication.

Stall six. Stall. Stall! STALL!

Ashley Droste, a recruit that I can claim as my own (sort of), is one of Woman Scorned's newest additions to the team. Since the first practice that Droste attended, we knew that she was one we wanted to keep around. In fact, getting her to practice was easy because she was always at the Rec working out!

As a winter recruit, Droste started her ultimate days indoors, experiencing the love of the crappy Lied turf. I do have to admit, this turf also stole my heart, as I was a January recruit myself not so many years ago. It takes some true love to commit to 7+ hours per week without knowing the wonders of outdoor ultimate. However, it wasn't long until Droste was able to experience this beautiful thing for the first time down in Baton Rouge, LA.

As far as first tournaments go, there aren't many that beat Mardi Gras, and this lady was ready. Not only did she conquer New Orleans without a question, but she tore up the fields with just tennis shoes on! Droste even tried to stall a girl out at stall six-another reason why indoor ultimate just isn't as much fun.

Since that first tourney, Ashley has done nothing but improve. Her speed, height, and cutter field vision make her a true asset to Woman Scorned. I have no doubt that she will be a real threat for Woman Scorned in the near future. At Fool's Fest, not only did she have the sweetest costume on the team, but she also showed our opponents what's up while she rocked it in the cup.

Off the field, Droste didn't take any time fitting right in. Not only can she navigate her way down Bourbon Street but she makes a great car buddy for long drives as well. Ashley is part of the "veterinary" vet line on WS (at one point this season we had at least 7 vet or pre-vetters on the practice field). She is studying Animal Science and aspires to attend veterinary school after graduation. According to her Facebook, she is into "tough trucks, bikes, drag races, anything that's fast and fun" while her favorite quote is "work hard, play harder." Yep, I would say that she is pretty much perfect for Woman Scorned Ultimate.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Woman Scorned will be playing Sectionals tomorrow at Tower's fields in Ames, Ia. They are located at the South most end of Welch Ave. Please come support us! Thanks!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Among the 500 ladies Woman Scorned recruited last season, is a young lady named Britt Schenk. She stepped out and made a name for herself despite her big class. Unfortunately, Britt was plagued with knee injuries last season, but despite this setback, she proved her commitment to Scorned and battled through. Even though her injury prevented her from playing for much of the season, she was still at practice, tournaments, and social events!

Her commitment hasn't waned a bit since the beginning. This season, she has stayed healthy and continued to be a part of this team. Britt, like most of Scorned, didn't start out as a frisbee player. She started her career in athletics as a dancer. This came in handy when we decided to participate in the Centex Dance-off this year! Although Scorned LOVES to dance, the majority of our team isn't exactly super duper talented at it. Britt already had a "step up" (best movies ever made-just sayin') on the rest of us.

Britt might also be the luckiest Woman on the team. The only time I ever won any sort of game of luck was a $25 scratch ticket that I bought after the car I was in got totalled on a bridge in St. Louis-almost worth it. Britt, on the other hand, holds all of the luck for the team. You know those sweet yellow jerseys that we wear when we kick butt on the field? Well we can all thank Britt for those! She had the golden ticket worth about $400!!

On the field she is a true contribute as well. Her disc reading skills are superior to her opponents and she is a lethal threat in a zone offense. While popping, she is sure to see even the smallest holes a cup gives up and takes advantage to ravage the cup defense. While she may not be the tallest Scorned (because that is Jiear), she shouldn't be underestimated. Once that disc is in her hands, a beautiful continue is sure to follow for the score!

Although we have yet to find the perfect nickname for Britt (her claim that "Britt" is a nickname for Brittany in itself is not good enough), I have not given up hope. After 4 years, even Lauren finally got herself a nickname and a field cheer. Your time is coming B-town!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Team Sex Panther

Our own Cassie "Sexy" Panther is one of the sophomore "Bordello" ladies. Cassie has been a baller since her first days on Woman Scorned, when she joined as a freshman. Her quick speed and superior height make her an eminent threat on our team. As a cutter on the field, she has no trouble running her opponents into the ground. She is the Forest Gump of our team- no matter where she goes, she's running. She even runs to the sprint workouts! On defense, she is a sneaky threat. Using her size to her advantage, she can basically run between legs and amoung defenders undetected.

Off the field, Cassie doesn't let Scorned down one bit. When the music starts, there is no doubt that C. Panther is going to get the dance party started. Her endurance definitely applies to dancing as well.

The coolest thing about Cassie Panther was unveiled last year while we were at nationals. Woman Scorned, as a whole, is a pretty big fan of Harry Potter. In fact, we even have a field series of cheers referred to as the "Dumbledore cheers." However, none of us hold a candle to the kind of dedication Cassie has. Cassie used to have Harry Potter parties with her friends where they would dress up and act like wizards, but I don't think any of us were truly convinced until we witnessed this photo:

harry potter party.tif

Cassie spent this fall in Argentina studying abroad and playing ultimate in South America. She is a Biology/Spanish double major in her spare time, and also enjoys riding bikes and doing Bordello-type crafty activities. We are very proud to call Cassie our own!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Too Cute Not to Post!

I found this on FB. Thank you Anne Cuddy!

"Taiwo: A Systematics Approach to the Molecular Science"

Taiwo Anjonrin-Ohu, better known to us (and a majority of the world) as Tai, is one of three phenomenal coaches Woman Scorned has been blessed with this season.

Taiwo has played for elite teams such as Small Rackages, Alpha Cobra Squadron, and Chad Larson Experience. For many on WS, Tai started out as a teammate and leader who kicked our butts on and off the field (we'll get more to the "off the field" in a bit). In the 2008-2009 season, she made the complete transition and coached Scorned to its first Nationals appearance in the team's history. Her elite field experience, shut down defense, sick layouts and skies (from all 5 feet of her), and prominent sideline direction make her an amazing coaching asset.

Outside of ultimate, during her free time, she likes to work as an engineer and in general be ridiculously smart.

Taiwo isn't exactly the strong silent type. Everyone knows that when Tai gets excited, we all better get excited because the intensity level isn't going down anytime soon. Her ability to pump up the team is always evident, especially at Sunday practices when she pushes us to run harder, faster, and further than we knew human beings could, jump higher, and make the plays that she knows we can make. Her confidence in us as a team never waivers and she is constantly pushing each and every one of us to reach our highest potential.

Off the field, Tai is no weak player either. Woman Scorned was built on the foundation of playing hard on and off the field. Although her skills were trumped with the addition of "twin sister Love" to the team, Taiwo still has the rest of us beat with her dance moves. Her ability to ensure a good time is bound to go down in Woman Scorned history. The first time I met Tai, my first sentence to her was, "You're Tai? Like, THE TAI? Text books have been written about you!" This was true; who hasn't heard of Taiwo?

Putting her superior ultimate skills aside, one thing that no one can resist is Tai's ability to throw a great get-together. Plans have been ditched, tournament drives postponed, and injuries endured just to experience these events. Whether the theme is "Vegas," "tribal," or "dress like you're going to an ultimate party," people are sure to flock from all regions to attend. Not only are Tai's get-togethers a good time, but she is tons of fun her self. There is rarely a time when she doesn't have a huge smile on her face or isn't laughing about something.

Although she has a million great qualities, I think my favorite part about Tai is her sideline banter. I can't count the number of times in games I will be running around confused and I hear "Alright baby, I'm talkin' to you you, child. Oh Lord!" I will never forget Fool's Fest 2008, Sunday Game one. Not only did we get 4 points assessed to us for being REALLY late, but WS put 4 ladies (Tai, Love, Jazz, and Lauren) on the field while the rest of the team woke up and checked out of the hotel. When we all got there, those 4 ladies had brought the score to 5-4. It was an impressive feat! I went in (this was my 2nd tournament ever) and I threw a disc into the wind that lost us about 45 yards. I heard Tai from the sideline yell, "Alright Gap, I'm gunna make fun of you for that later, but for right now, go get it back. Go play some defense!" In fact, Tai is my idol for sideline banter and jokingly making fun of my own team mates.

From the time she started playing, Taiwo has been a true Woman Scorned. In every step of her journey, she has brought her teammates up and helped each to become their best. As a coach, she continues to build the team and the program. She is still kickin' our butts in practice and guiding us with encouragement, so that we can feel the fury and unleash the true Woman Scorned ladies that we each have inside.

Thanks Coach Tai, for everything!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Roster player bio's/birthday blogs

So first I have to apologize for dropping the ball on birthday blogs. I was doing so well until Mardi Gras (J-Rick's bday), when our 15 Million tournaments started. I kinda of gave up at that point. I will not try to use homework/studying/school as an excuse, because it would be a lie.

So what I am going to try to do in the next several weeks up until Regionals, is to make bio blogs for each player on the roster. If you already got a birthday blog, then I'm sorry but I will just be using that. As you can see on the right hand column--> our roster is posted (well some of it), and they will serve as links to each player's blog.

Why spend all of this time doing this, you ask? Well it is a pretty simple reason. I am SO SICK of hearing people say we aren't a team dynamic team, or that "we look like shitty soccer players with a few good ultimate players." As we all know, this isn't true! We have got to where we are as a team because of each and every individual on this team, and I want the world (or like the 13 people who read this) to know about each and every one of you!

That is my reasoning. I will probably work harder on this than I will on my finals, and if it comes to it, I might enlist Chelle's help on a few to get them done in time.



Monday, April 12, 2010

The Festival of Fools

Fool's Fest was amazing as always. Great way to end the season (pre-series). A lot went down, most of it will not be relived on this blog. We played some ballin' teams, enjoyed sideline banter from the dudes, gave them some sideline chatter, had a great party, and of course looked GREAT in our Mario Party costumes. Here is the break down of games (no promise on scores):

13-0 Scorned over Kansas State

13-7 Iowa over Scorned

13-0 Scorned over Betty

8-5 Scorned over Arkansas

8-6? Scorned over Winnepeg

8-7 Scorned over Arkansas

Finals: 13-5 Scorned over Iowa

We won the tournament. Congrats to ISUC for winning the Men's division, and Congrats to Small Packages (CLXish) for winning the Open division. I think Kansas might argue this point, but Iowa State (as a whole) is going to take the claim for winning the party as well. :)

Thanks Kansas for putting on a GREAT tourney as always. Backpack girl, thanks for the autograph (I think Michelle has it framed on her wall), and we can't wait for Fool's Fest 2011!!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Centex 2010

Last year was a big year for Woman Scorned. It was the first year that we were able to qualify for nationals and that accomplishment opened up new opportunities for us as a team. One of those opportunities was the invite to play at Centex in Austin, TX. Centex is the most competitive college women's tournament outside of nationals. We were honored to accept.

With this tournament being the 3rd this spring to be over 15 hours of drive time (one way), Scorned was forced to drive through the night in order to not fail all of our classes from too many skips. Saturday morning was a little nerve racking for me (I went down Thursday night with SOL-which was an amazing trip). When Chelle showed up at the fields (she flew down with her mom) we got excited because we could officially play ultimate, even if it was 2 on 7. In the end, our worry was in vain and two cars showed up to give us 10 players to start off the Stanford game.

Game one: Scorned vs. Stanford

As we took the field with a whopping 10 ladies, we pulled on our brand new "throwback yellows." We felt like the Woman Scorned of old, playing nearly savage and wearing jerseys that were almost identical to the first t-shirt jerseys that Scorned played in. It was an awesome feeling! We started the out the tournament smart this time around and made sure Becca was keeping stats as our good luck charm. Scorned came out furious and put two up on the board right away before Superfly battled back to tie it up. With beautiful, sunny weather on our side, Scorned was able to put up several beautiful hucks to make our offense effective, but Superfly took the half at 8-5. Somewhere around 4-4, the remaining cars showed up and we were once again reunited as a nearly full squad team with Coach Taiwo. After half, Superfly continued their run to 10 before Scorned regrasped the fury and ran three points up. Unfortunately, it was too late and the game was capped.

8-10 Superfly

Debate from the stats book: Who is the more powerful twin-Tai or Love?
Gap: "Love has the boobs, I think she is."

Lauren: "Well, if power is derived from the breasts, then Love is, but if it comes from having the ass, Tai's got her."
Gap: "hmm, good point."
Game two: Scorned vs. Oregon

With all the cars at the fields we began our game against Oregon, the #1 seed of the tournament. Although they put the first point on the board, Scorned fought hard to keep the score close. Jessy Erickson had a sick layout score to tie things up at 2’s. As the wind started to pick up, Oregon showed their superior skill and changed their dynamics to defend our offense. They pulled away and took half at 3-8, but not before Scorned ladies could get some sweet D’s. After half, Scorned put a few more on the board, but Fugue ran away with the win.

Oregon 15-5
Game three: Scorned vs. Michigan

The game started out great due to our first season win on the color flip. We got to keep out sick throwback yellows on. Unfortunately, this winning strike didn’t last long. Flywheel put the first point on the board and Scorned answered back with a score of our own. The fight battled on and Flywheel took half at 5-8, as Tai helped us fix the errors in our game. Jazzy brought her body count tally to 3 in this game (people tend to get hurt around her, but not due to fouls, more to running into their own players…its weird). Halftime can be described by this picture:

The remainder of the game included some great defensive plays all around and lacking offense (lots of TTOs from me). The game was capped and Flywheel took the win.

Michigan 8-12

Michigan sideline talk:

Lady Pesch: “I like your Jerseys.”
Michigan girl: “Thanks. What is your team name?”
Lady Pesch: “Woman Scorned.”

Bosco: “Like in X-Men…. or the Bible.”
Michigan: “?” (Bosco keeps chattering)
Becca: *Laughs* Cross over game: Scorned vs. Florida

As we made the long haul over to our new field, the wind began a’ swirlin’. Zone time! The game started off in a battle until 3-3. Offense was a little shaky in the wind, but our D was spot on. The D list included: Jazz, Jessy, Love, plus the SICK cup! Scorned took half at 8-3 and enjoyed some sideline dance practice led by Love. Tai thoroughly enjoyed heckling us during this game (as a warm up for the showcase game) and J-rick answered back with a ballin’ Callahan to take the score to 10-3. The stats book says “We pull, Gap’s legs look rockin’ fuckin’ sausage, they turn…” -Just sayin’. J The cross wind got to be quite intense as wild parrots flew by our field and Scorned took the game to hard cap for our first victory.

Woman Scorned 11-6

With our last game of the day over, the majority of WS ran to grab food before the dance-off. We had approx. 4 practices under our belts before the show, and we were pretty confident that we could contend with the best.

Our sister team, SOL, was up first and set the bar way too high. I had seen the dance practice the night before (Mar-thug had been holding practices for 2-3 months prior), and I knew they had some game. I think what really won them the competition was the following:

1. Anna Hettler’s huge smile during the entire thing

2. The weird leg thing they did when they sat on eachother’s faces

3. Anna and Thug’s conjoined cartwheel move Regardless, it was awesome-well deserved win-Congrats!

While all of the dances were very impressive, the others that really stood out were the ladies with the backwards costumes and, of course, Betty’s “I am not a whore” dance. I was dying laughing during Betty’s dance, and I didn’t even notice backpack girl!

When it came our turn, we were dressed and ready, looking pretty BA in our jerseys and jeans. That is when disaster struck and our song played basically only bass. It sounded terrible and caused our timing to get pretty off. We still pulled off a respectable dance, but it was not what it could have been. Although we were sad, we still had a ton of fun and plan to bring it even harder next year!

Taco Cabana was on the list of food that must be eaten while in Texas and we hit that up before showering and heading to our host houses. Half of the ladies enjoyed a delightful evening at Bryan Campbell’s (UT men’s) house and the rest of us had a great time crashing with Nicole Crumpley (from UT Women’s) and watching the movie “The Pregnancy Pact.” This movie has been discussed WAY too much and the consideration from our team has been taken too far for words.

Pre-quarter’s game: Scorned vs. Maryland

Although a lot of ultimate happened in this game, the majority of the stats include sideline shenanigans and random crap. Umm, lots of D’s and scores but the really important thing about this game was that Lauren received a Diet Coke as her pump up gift and led every single cheer we know. Lauren went on the field and gave Love the can with this warning, “Don’t you dare drink it. I’ll know. I swear I’ll know!” The score was 4-8 at half, but we jumped back on the line and scored two more with cap on. As Lauren yelled, “AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN!” cap sounded and the game was over.

Maryland 6-8

P.S. Helpful Corn, I want to trade you jerseys.

Somewhere not in the champ bracket game: Scorned vs. Kali

With a too many close losses on our plate, we headed into the Kali game wanting to reclaim the Patagonia shorts from Throwdown (we were unsuccessful). The game was fought hard and despite several sick bids from Kali, Scorned kept the score close to 4-4. Shortly before half, this apparently occurred: “Jazz & #42 have a little intimate moment on the end zone line. All of the sudden they’re both on the ground and #42 is patting Jazz’s leg. They score.” Half time. Kali took the next two after half and took the game.

Kali 5-10

For 13th game: Scorned vs. UCSB

This game represented the first time ISU has ever played UCSB. That was exciting. We came out looking a little ragged on offense, but our zone looked good. We forced turn overs and attempted fast break situations in this game, but ultimately their trap zone D proved too difficult for us to break. Towards the end of the game we developed a strategy that seemed to work, but it was too little, too late and we didn’t call their double team when it repeatedly occurred. Bryan (our host) showed up on the sidelines and our entire team instantly had a crush on him. These ladies were a TON of fun to play with. Love asked about their skirts, and I tried out several different styles of bottom wear (SOL shorts, just spandies, and eventually the skirt) in this game. Exhaustion, frustration, and injuries took out several players and we ended the game at hard cap.

5-9 UCSB

Afterward, Scorned took some time to discuss the weekend and bond it up a bit. Spirits were low, but on the rise as Ottawa approached us to tell us they were forced to forfeit due to injuries and being down to only 6 healthy players. Jazz showed true spirit of the game and decided it would be wrong to take the forfeit-win, so we ended on a double forfeit.

Thanks Michelle and Melee for putting on an AMAZING tournament! Congrats to Bella Donna Ladies for winning the tourney!

The car ride home proved to be pretty uneventful other than when I took us on a 10 mile detour in Northern Texas to try to find a Jason’s Deli. I was pretty upset that this plan failed and we ended up with Sonic. Bosco blessed us with her gracious singing the ENTIRE 16 hours home…. That was awesome. We arrived safely and instantly started planning for Fool’s Fest.