Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stall six. Stall. Stall! STALL!

Ashley Droste, a recruit that I can claim as my own (sort of), is one of Woman Scorned's newest additions to the team. Since the first practice that Droste attended, we knew that she was one we wanted to keep around. In fact, getting her to practice was easy because she was always at the Rec working out!

As a winter recruit, Droste started her ultimate days indoors, experiencing the love of the crappy Lied turf. I do have to admit, this turf also stole my heart, as I was a January recruit myself not so many years ago. It takes some true love to commit to 7+ hours per week without knowing the wonders of outdoor ultimate. However, it wasn't long until Droste was able to experience this beautiful thing for the first time down in Baton Rouge, LA.

As far as first tournaments go, there aren't many that beat Mardi Gras, and this lady was ready. Not only did she conquer New Orleans without a question, but she tore up the fields with just tennis shoes on! Droste even tried to stall a girl out at stall six-another reason why indoor ultimate just isn't as much fun.

Since that first tourney, Ashley has done nothing but improve. Her speed, height, and cutter field vision make her a true asset to Woman Scorned. I have no doubt that she will be a real threat for Woman Scorned in the near future. At Fool's Fest, not only did she have the sweetest costume on the team, but she also showed our opponents what's up while she rocked it in the cup.

Off the field, Droste didn't take any time fitting right in. Not only can she navigate her way down Bourbon Street but she makes a great car buddy for long drives as well. Ashley is part of the "veterinary" vet line on WS (at one point this season we had at least 7 vet or pre-vetters on the practice field). She is studying Animal Science and aspires to attend veterinary school after graduation. According to her Facebook, she is into "tough trucks, bikes, drag races, anything that's fast and fun" while her favorite quote is "work hard, play harder." Yep, I would say that she is pretty much perfect for Woman Scorned Ultimate.

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