Friday, April 16, 2010

"Taiwo: A Systematics Approach to the Molecular Science"

Taiwo Anjonrin-Ohu, better known to us (and a majority of the world) as Tai, is one of three phenomenal coaches Woman Scorned has been blessed with this season.

Taiwo has played for elite teams such as Small Rackages, Alpha Cobra Squadron, and Chad Larson Experience. For many on WS, Tai started out as a teammate and leader who kicked our butts on and off the field (we'll get more to the "off the field" in a bit). In the 2008-2009 season, she made the complete transition and coached Scorned to its first Nationals appearance in the team's history. Her elite field experience, shut down defense, sick layouts and skies (from all 5 feet of her), and prominent sideline direction make her an amazing coaching asset.

Outside of ultimate, during her free time, she likes to work as an engineer and in general be ridiculously smart.

Taiwo isn't exactly the strong silent type. Everyone knows that when Tai gets excited, we all better get excited because the intensity level isn't going down anytime soon. Her ability to pump up the team is always evident, especially at Sunday practices when she pushes us to run harder, faster, and further than we knew human beings could, jump higher, and make the plays that she knows we can make. Her confidence in us as a team never waivers and she is constantly pushing each and every one of us to reach our highest potential.

Off the field, Tai is no weak player either. Woman Scorned was built on the foundation of playing hard on and off the field. Although her skills were trumped with the addition of "twin sister Love" to the team, Taiwo still has the rest of us beat with her dance moves. Her ability to ensure a good time is bound to go down in Woman Scorned history. The first time I met Tai, my first sentence to her was, "You're Tai? Like, THE TAI? Text books have been written about you!" This was true; who hasn't heard of Taiwo?

Putting her superior ultimate skills aside, one thing that no one can resist is Tai's ability to throw a great get-together. Plans have been ditched, tournament drives postponed, and injuries endured just to experience these events. Whether the theme is "Vegas," "tribal," or "dress like you're going to an ultimate party," people are sure to flock from all regions to attend. Not only are Tai's get-togethers a good time, but she is tons of fun her self. There is rarely a time when she doesn't have a huge smile on her face or isn't laughing about something.

Although she has a million great qualities, I think my favorite part about Tai is her sideline banter. I can't count the number of times in games I will be running around confused and I hear "Alright baby, I'm talkin' to you you, child. Oh Lord!" I will never forget Fool's Fest 2008, Sunday Game one. Not only did we get 4 points assessed to us for being REALLY late, but WS put 4 ladies (Tai, Love, Jazz, and Lauren) on the field while the rest of the team woke up and checked out of the hotel. When we all got there, those 4 ladies had brought the score to 5-4. It was an impressive feat! I went in (this was my 2nd tournament ever) and I threw a disc into the wind that lost us about 45 yards. I heard Tai from the sideline yell, "Alright Gap, I'm gunna make fun of you for that later, but for right now, go get it back. Go play some defense!" In fact, Tai is my idol for sideline banter and jokingly making fun of my own team mates.

From the time she started playing, Taiwo has been a true Woman Scorned. In every step of her journey, she has brought her teammates up and helped each to become their best. As a coach, she continues to build the team and the program. She is still kickin' our butts in practice and guiding us with encouragement, so that we can feel the fury and unleash the true Woman Scorned ladies that we each have inside.

Thanks Coach Tai, for everything!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad I do not have to participate in all Sunday practices- the time I did Tai's sprints with the team, I truly thought it may be impossible, but I sucked it up and did it. But there it was again, Tai pushing the team to achieve what they thought they couldn't in order to make them better! She's been doing that as a teammate of mine for years! I love scrimmaging against her because I know I'll have to work my hiney off to not get layout-D'd. I still think she's handblocked me more times than every other opponent or teammate, EVER (including guys) and she had the balls to poach on ME! She's ridic.
