Having Pesch back for her fifth year has been absolutely incredible. She’s one of the most
talented people I’ve been lucky enough to play with, and I have learned so much from her. Her
wide arsenal of throws, ability to break any mark, and great field sense make her a phenomenal
handler. She has a very strong field presence and can set the tone to each line she’s on. I think
one of the most remarkable things about Pesch is the fire and tenacity she brings to every point.
She is literally tireless, and you can count on her to play numerous points back-to-back with
the same high level of intensity. Her crazy endurance and ability to fight through every point is
incredibly inspiring. Whether as a teammate or friend, you can always count on Pesch to pull
through for you. I’m so thankful I’ve gotten the chance to co-captain with her and learn from her,
and I am going to miss this girl like crazy!
I also wanted to include the mini ultimate biography Stu, Brittnee, and I wrote (with some help
from Becca) for Pesch’s Callahan nomination:
Sarah Pesch started playing ultimate frisbee her freshman year of college at Iowa State
University. From the beginning, she proved herself to be a very dedicated and talented player.
She and her wife, Becca Miller, spent countless hours outside of practice perfecting their throws
and pushing themselves to maximize their potential in all aspects of the game. Her success
within the sport is clearly reflected through her decorated ultimate career. She has qualified
three times for College Nationals with Women Scorned, three times for Club Nationals with the
Chad Larson Experience, and this past year she became a world champion with the USA U23
Women’s Ultimate team.
We believe that Sarah Pesch is a great leader and player who embodies the values set forth by
the Callahan award. She’s incredibly consistent on defense and offense, has a strong morale, and
can put the disc literally anywhere. She can play the role of a dominating main handler and break
zones effortlessly with her classic around forehand, easy backhand break, and trusty hammer.
She can also play the part of a trustworthy reset handler when needed, and she has the awareness
to know when to embody each style. She is a phenomenal, tireless player, and her drive and
commitment towards the sport and her teammates is inspiring. Dangerous lefty, fiery passion,
solid field awareness, and raw talent is what you see in the dictionary under Sarah Pesch.