Friday, February 5, 2010

The More Superior Pesch Child

As winter progresses, more and more ladies on WS seem to be celebrating birthdays. As much as I love celebrating b-days, the blogging about them has got me a little behind. Since this clearly takes precedence over my school work and event the class I am skipping right now (it's Geology 101-NBD), I will take the time to tell you about the tallest rookie we have ever had.

Her name is ....Sarah? yeah I think it's Sarah, but more importantly she is Ryan Pesch's little sister. Don't be fooled by the term "little." She is taller, cooler, and much more left handed than Pesch, and thus we have dubbed her so creatively, "Lady Pesch."

Now although Lady Pesch has played for a semester, my experience in car rides with her is limited, so I don't have a great scoop on the real dirt. One thing I do know, is that this girl is tall and left handed. That only means one thing to me-be careful while marking her and don't get too close. I have been knocked to the ground in prac from her tretcherous left backhand huck. She took me to the ground in one swift punch to the face.

Now Lady Pesch is more than just a left handed tall person I'm sure, but let's be honest- what more do you really need? A good personality and dedication to the team are two things that LP has above the rest. From the beginning she has been totally dedicated, working hard to be the best asset to the team possible. She even started dating Chuck (the tallest guy on ISUC) to get a few pointers on being a tall ultimate player. Don't worry Lady Pesch, we all still know your real love is Becca. Chuck is just for the ultimate skills.

Lady Pesch has a great sense of humor, loves to throw the disc, really learns fast, and there is no doubt in our minds that she is going to be a great ultimate player one day very very soon. We are actually all a little scared at how good the rookies are, I think. Good thing we are all graduating bc that WS B-team talk might just have the old A-line on its roster!

LP's Facebook interests say that she enjoys "eating, sleeping, and eating"-must be how she got so tall. Her about me informs us of this, "am... funny, tall, outgoing, adventurous, a really bad speller, um..., perfect, modest, incredibly contradictory, related to Ryan, best friends with Rebecca, it takes a lot to keep me entertained, smart and dumb, hair that likes to try for world domination all by itself, horrible hand eye coordination, but yet can now catch a frisbee ~50% of the time unless Rebecca is throwing... then a little less, I cannot run in a straight line to save my life, I hate walking slow, I hate rain unless I am already soaked, hate most foods, love sugar, Obnoxious, Awkward, and Fun..."

I take it back, you and Chuck are perfect. Notice that this is a run-on sentence-and it kept going for at least that much longer, I just didn't put it in here.

On a little more serious note, we are so happy that Lady Pesch joined the team. We were worried about the loss of heigth when Gibbs graduated, but Pesch came in with a screaming several inches on her and so for that we are thankful. LP is a great addition to our team and we are very excited to see her start skying opponents this spring.

Happy birthday Baby Pesch. We are glad you are taller than Ryan.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to take this opportunity to claim the longest wingspan on the team position since my tallest position has gotten taken over. Bam.
